Guide to Submitting an Efficient Support Ticket

We emphasize three key rules for submitting an effective support ticket:

Include the date and time of the issue accurately.

Describe the problem in detail, especially if it's a bug.

Specify whether the issue affects only you or other players too.

Don't forget the ticket PIN. Use your creativity to add relevant information.

A valid email is crucial for notifications, and the code safeguards the ticket's privacy.

The goal is to provide effective assistance

to enhance your gaming experience.

Create a new support ticket

Please be sure to enter a valid email address and don't forget the code you enter
The reason is that you will be notified by email about your ticket.
You need to provide a code to make sure nobody besides you and the staff can read your ticket.
This code is also needed to view your tickets.
If you enter the same email and code as previous tickets, those tickets will show up together in your ticket list
If you want to access your tickets without code, just leave it empty.

Contact Information
Email *
Code (Optional)

Ticket Information
Username (Optional, but it will make it easier for us)
Charactername (Optional)
Title *

Ticket Information
If you would like to add a screenshot to your ticket please use a 3th party website to do so.
One example is Upload Imagens. For video's we generally recommend it to upload on YouTube, private if required.
Please not that we will keep the video or screenshot confidential. In case of a report the video, screenshot or your identity will NOT be shown to the person that is being reported.